Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Event! Art Fiction Gala hosted by Lucie Smoker! Sign up!

Submit using the contact form at http://luciesmoker.wordpress.com/contact/

1) Send 50 words or less about how your published* work of fiction promotes the visual arts--through featuring an artist, painting, sculpture, performance art, etc. It must involve the visual arts--the crossover between literary and visual arts is the focus of the event. Music is not the focus unless it also involves ballet or some other form of dance as a primary inspiration for the fiction)

2) Send a pdf or any e-book link with a free, substantial sample of your work, minimum 3 pages.  You may also include a buy link.  Note that this is family art event so while some nudity/violence is acceptable, it must be such that would be appropriate for an R-rated film.  No hard-core or erotica, please.

3) Send a link to a photo of you, your book, the art that inspired it--or all three-"dressed up" as for a gala.  Again, these photos should be family-appropriate, less nudity accepted here and only if key to the art theme in your book.

* The purpose of this event is to promote fiction that highlights the visual arts.  As such, the work must be published, self or traditional, and available to the public.  If a book is to be published in the next three months, you may include a public pdf link which readers can access free or with a substantial sample (minimum 3 pages).

ARTISTS: As a side-event, I will host a gallery of art featuring reading. This is for serious artists who were in some way inspired by literature.
 Submit a brief description and photo link to the address above. Links only, no attachments.  I will be featuring small to mid-sized imges on my site, but will link to your larger image.  Again keep in mind that this is a family-friendly blog, so while some nudity and violence is acceptable, as is featured there currently, I reserve the right to decline works I consider inappropriate for my blog.

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