Hi there! I've had a lot of participants say that they would like to have BBF advertised more. Since I already donate tons of time to BBF, I can not afford to also donate money. That is where the new donation fund comes in. Any money donated to the new fund will be used for advertising first and prizes in BBF giveaways second. These are the ONLY things this money will be used for. I'll come up with some sort of ratio: 80% ads and 20% prizes? I don't know yet. You can suggest a ratio in the comments if you'd like.
The ads will be focused on BBF and not individual authors or books to be fair to everyone. The prizes will likely be Amazon Gift Cards or something like that.
If you would like to donate, please click on the Paypal donation widget in the left panel. You can donate any amount and any amount will help. Thank you!
Thursday, February 21, 2013
Sunday, February 10, 2013
Blogger Book Fair Closing Post
Blogger Book Fair is coming to a close, but don't worry! BBF will be back and better than ever in July!
This awesome event has had over 4,000 page views in the last four days, and that is just on this blog. On my blog I had over 800 views on my own blog which is about double what I normally get. I've also gained new followers and new friends-authors and readers alike. I'm very happy with this event and I want to thank everyone who participated either as an author, blogger, or reader. I hope to see you all at the next fair and I hope you bring your friends!
Before you go, make sure that you didn't miss anything. I'll be leaving the directory up for a while so you can easily find the blogs and authors that participated.
I'll also be updating the BBF Reader's Choice Awards page very soon. Until then, you can see who won HERE.
Don't forget to follow the BBF blog to stay up to date on news like date announcements, sign up opening, and theme announcements. July is only six months away, so don't miss us too much! Lots of authors and bloggers have requested to receive an email notification when sign ups open again. If you would like a notification as well, please send an email to bloggerbookfair@gmail.com and I'll add you to the list!
You can also follow the BBF Facebook Page to keep updated! Thanks again for attending the Second Biannual Blogger Book Fair! See you in July!!
This awesome event has had over 4,000 page views in the last four days, and that is just on this blog. On my blog I had over 800 views on my own blog which is about double what I normally get. I've also gained new followers and new friends-authors and readers alike. I'm very happy with this event and I want to thank everyone who participated either as an author, blogger, or reader. I hope to see you all at the next fair and I hope you bring your friends!
Before you go, make sure that you didn't miss anything. I'll be leaving the directory up for a while so you can easily find the blogs and authors that participated.
I'll also be updating the BBF Reader's Choice Awards page very soon. Until then, you can see who won HERE.
Don't forget to follow the BBF blog to stay up to date on news like date announcements, sign up opening, and theme announcements. July is only six months away, so don't miss us too much! Lots of authors and bloggers have requested to receive an email notification when sign ups open again. If you would like a notification as well, please send an email to bloggerbookfair@gmail.com and I'll add you to the list!
You can also follow the BBF Facebook Page to keep updated! Thanks again for attending the Second Biannual Blogger Book Fair! See you in July!!
Saturday, February 9, 2013
Blogger Book Fair! Day Three!
Well, it's day three of the Blogger Book Fair and things are going well! I hope you have entered all the giveaways you want to enter. Remember that most are listed on the tab above-Giveaways, Promos and Free Books!
There is a lot going on today, so be sure to browse and have some fun. Events are going, and some need your votes, so check the Events tab above!
Please like the Facebook page if you want to keep up-to-date on news on this BBF and future BBF's.
This Blogger Book Fair is shaping up to be a great event. Here's an image that tells you just how awesome of an event it really is!
There is a lot going on today, so be sure to browse and have some fun. Events are going, and some need your votes, so check the Events tab above!
Please like the Facebook page if you want to keep up-to-date on news on this BBF and future BBF's.
This Blogger Book Fair is shaping up to be a great event. Here's an image that tells you just how awesome of an event it really is!
Friday, February 8, 2013
Events and posts today!
D. H. Aire hosts a guest post from Kyra Dune! http://www.dhr2believe.net/the-highmages-blog-welcomes-author-kyra-dune
Alyssa Auch hosts Kirstin Pulioff and shows off the prizes she's giving away! http://alyssaauch.blogspot.com/
Jennifer M. Barry hosts Allison Blanchard on her blog: http://jennifermbarry.com/
Allison Blanchard hosts Sherry Soule's quiz and giveaway! http://allisonblanchardbooks.blogspot.com/
Jason Andrew Bond hosts some Haiku! http://blog.jasonandrewbond.com/
S. M. Boyce hosts some BBF authors: http://www.smboyce.com/boyce-blog/
Brandon R. Luffman hosts Cindy Young-Turner and more! http://brandonrluffman.wordpress.com/
Angela Brown participate in the Books for a Buck Hop! http://publishness.blogspot.com/
Lissa Bryan hosts Sherry Soule! http://lissabryan.blogspot.com/
SJ Byrne hosts Shannon McRoberts and Wynne Channing! http://sj-byrne.blogspot.com/
Jade Kerrion guest posts on Becca J. Campbell's blog! http://www.beccajcampbell.com/
Louann Carroll talks about A Stiff Kiss by Avery Olive http://www.louanncarroll.com/blog.html
Jennifer Carson hosts a cover contest! http://www.thedragoncharmer.com/
J. M. Cataffo hosts Kayla Curry and announces a few FREE books. http://www.jmcataffo.com/index.php/blog/
Wynne Channing posts more Best and Worst. She also participate in the Books for a Buck Hop! http://wynnechanning.wordpress.com/
Noree Cosper hosts S. M. Boyce on her blog! http://noreecosper.blogspot.com/
Kayla Curry asks authors This or That? http://paranormallounge.blogspot.com/
Kyra Dune hosts Noree Cosper on her blog! http://theshadowportal.blogspot.com/
Fel at The Peasants Revolt hosts Jade Kerrion! http://www.scotzig.com/blog/
Riley J. Ford talks about her book Carpe DiEmily and her bucket list! http://rileyjford.com/blog
John Forster give you a sneak peak of Pipit Di's book, The Time Machine. http://johnforster2011.com/blog1/
Jami Gray hosts Rebecca Hamilton! http://jamigray.com/
Rebecca Hamilton hosts Dan O'Brien and Angela Brown. She also participates in the Books for a Buck Hop! http://www.beccahamiltonbooks.com/
A. Jarrell Hayes hosts Jade Kerrion on his blog! http://ajhayes.wordpress.com/
Tom Immins interviews Alexandra Allred! http://samlucas-thriller.blogspot.co.uk/
Brooklyn James hosts Mindy Killgrove! http://brooklynjamesblog.blogspot.com/
Nikki Jefford hosts the Books for a Buck Hop! http://www.nikkijefford.com/
Jade Kerrion hosts Kyra Dune and Becca Campbell. She also participates in the Books for a Buck Hop! http://www.jadekerrion.com/
Mindy Killgrove hosts Brooklyn James on her blog! http://www.mindykillgrove.com/mindy-killgroves-blog-space.html
Sydney Logan hosts Sherry Soule! http://www.sydneylogan.com/
Kate Lutter hosts Dan O'Brien on her blog! http://www.katelutter.blogspot.com/
Jen McConnel hosts S.M. Boyce! https://jennifermcconnel.wordpress.com/
Shannon McRoberts has some book recommendations and more for you! http://obsidianpoet.blogspot.com/
Dan O'Brien hosts Jade Kerrion! http://thedanobrienproject.blogspot.com/
Pereza hosts Allison Blanchard on Pezz Rambles! http://pezzrambles.wordpress.com/
Kirstin Pulioff hosts Andrea Buginsky and Shannon McRoberts! http://www.kirstinpulioff.com/
Kelly Miller is hosted on Naimeless Blog! http://naimeless.wordpress.com/
Christie Rich hosts T.M. Franklin! http://christierich.blogspot.com/
Rosanne Rivers hosts T.M. Franklin and S.M. Boyce! http://rosannerivers.com/
Wendy Russo hosts a conversation with Dan O'Brien, Jade Kerrion, S.M. Boyce and Ansha Koytk! http://wendysrusso.com/
Sheri at Shut Up and Read hosts Wynne Channing and the blog is also host to the BBF Reader's Choice Awards, so don't forget to vote! http://shutupandreadgroup.blogspot.com/
Isabella Sinclair hosts Sandra Perez Gluschankoff and a giveaway! http://authorisabellasinclair.blogspot.com/
Thomas Winship posts some more flash fiction and participates in the Books for a Buck Hop! http://www.vaempires.com/blog
Cindy Young-Turner hosts excerpts from SJ Byrne and Isabella Sinclair! http://cindyyoungturner.com/blog/
Alyssa Auch hosts Kirstin Pulioff and shows off the prizes she's giving away! http://alyssaauch.blogspot.com/
Jennifer M. Barry hosts Allison Blanchard on her blog: http://jennifermbarry.com/
Allison Blanchard hosts Sherry Soule's quiz and giveaway! http://allisonblanchardbooks.blogspot.com/
Jason Andrew Bond hosts some Haiku! http://blog.jasonandrewbond.com/
S. M. Boyce hosts some BBF authors: http://www.smboyce.com/boyce-blog/
Brandon R. Luffman hosts Cindy Young-Turner and more! http://brandonrluffman.wordpress.com/
Angela Brown participate in the Books for a Buck Hop! http://publishness.blogspot.com/
Lissa Bryan hosts Sherry Soule! http://lissabryan.blogspot.com/
SJ Byrne hosts Shannon McRoberts and Wynne Channing! http://sj-byrne.blogspot.com/
Jade Kerrion guest posts on Becca J. Campbell's blog! http://www.beccajcampbell.com/
Louann Carroll talks about A Stiff Kiss by Avery Olive http://www.louanncarroll.com/blog.html
Jennifer Carson hosts a cover contest! http://www.thedragoncharmer.com/
J. M. Cataffo hosts Kayla Curry and announces a few FREE books. http://www.jmcataffo.com/index.php/blog/
Wynne Channing posts more Best and Worst. She also participate in the Books for a Buck Hop! http://wynnechanning.wordpress.com/
Noree Cosper hosts S. M. Boyce on her blog! http://noreecosper.blogspot.com/
Kayla Curry asks authors This or That? http://paranormallounge.blogspot.com/
Kyra Dune hosts Noree Cosper on her blog! http://theshadowportal.blogspot.com/
Fel at The Peasants Revolt hosts Jade Kerrion! http://www.scotzig.com/blog/
Riley J. Ford talks about her book Carpe DiEmily and her bucket list! http://rileyjford.com/blog
John Forster give you a sneak peak of Pipit Di's book, The Time Machine. http://johnforster2011.com/blog1/
Jami Gray hosts Rebecca Hamilton! http://jamigray.com/
Rebecca Hamilton hosts Dan O'Brien and Angela Brown. She also participates in the Books for a Buck Hop! http://www.beccahamiltonbooks.com/
A. Jarrell Hayes hosts Jade Kerrion on his blog! http://ajhayes.wordpress.com/
Tom Immins interviews Alexandra Allred! http://samlucas-thriller.blogspot.co.uk/
Brooklyn James hosts Mindy Killgrove! http://brooklynjamesblog.blogspot.com/
Nikki Jefford hosts the Books for a Buck Hop! http://www.nikkijefford.com/
Jade Kerrion hosts Kyra Dune and Becca Campbell. She also participates in the Books for a Buck Hop! http://www.jadekerrion.com/
Mindy Killgrove hosts Brooklyn James on her blog! http://www.mindykillgrove.com/mindy-killgroves-blog-space.html
Sydney Logan hosts Sherry Soule! http://www.sydneylogan.com/
Kate Lutter hosts Dan O'Brien on her blog! http://www.katelutter.blogspot.com/
Jen McConnel hosts S.M. Boyce! https://jennifermcconnel.wordpress.com/
Shannon McRoberts has some book recommendations and more for you! http://obsidianpoet.blogspot.com/
Dan O'Brien hosts Jade Kerrion! http://thedanobrienproject.blogspot.com/
Pereza hosts Allison Blanchard on Pezz Rambles! http://pezzrambles.wordpress.com/
Kirstin Pulioff hosts Andrea Buginsky and Shannon McRoberts! http://www.kirstinpulioff.com/
Kelly Miller is hosted on Naimeless Blog! http://naimeless.wordpress.com/
Christie Rich hosts T.M. Franklin! http://christierich.blogspot.com/
Rosanne Rivers hosts T.M. Franklin and S.M. Boyce! http://rosannerivers.com/
Wendy Russo hosts a conversation with Dan O'Brien, Jade Kerrion, S.M. Boyce and Ansha Koytk! http://wendysrusso.com/
Sheri at Shut Up and Read hosts Wynne Channing and the blog is also host to the BBF Reader's Choice Awards, so don't forget to vote! http://shutupandreadgroup.blogspot.com/
Isabella Sinclair hosts Sandra Perez Gluschankoff and a giveaway! http://authorisabellasinclair.blogspot.com/
Thomas Winship posts some more flash fiction and participates in the Books for a Buck Hop! http://www.vaempires.com/blog
Cindy Young-Turner hosts excerpts from SJ Byrne and Isabella Sinclair! http://cindyyoungturner.com/blog/
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
Blogger Book Fair Opening Post!
Well there is only a few hours til Blogger Book Fair officially starts, and that means posts are going to start popping up all over the blogosphere! Some posts have already gone live and that also means giveaways!!!
Here are some posts that have gone live:
Becca J. Campbell at Inspiration for Creation (Giveaway begins!)
J. M. Cataffo interviews Kirtin Pulioff
T. M. Franklin announces a sale on her novel MORE and an Amazon gift card giveaway!
Jami Gray announces the BBF and give you a sneak peak!
David J. Kirk has posted the Goodreads Giveaways for Particular Stones and Sandra Perez Gluschankoff's The Last Fernandez!
Sydney Logan has posted about her giveaway and a schedule for the authors she is hosting:
Shannon McRoberts has kicked off the BBF onher blog with a Guest Post from Jason Andrew Bond!
Kelly Miller has posted her Most Despised Mystery Cliches post. head over there and vote for the cliche that drives you crazy!
Rosanne Rivers has posted a giveaway of her novel, After the Fear!
Wendy Russo has posted a preview of what she'll be doing for the BBF!
The Reader Choice Awards polls will be going live later tonight, but there is a list of the categories on the Shut Up and Read blog.
Thomas Winship give you a sneak peak at what he'll be doing for the BBF
Kimberly Gould kicks off the BBF with a giveaway!
Check out this AWESOME prize Beck Sherman is giving away!
Jason Andrew Bond hosts Jade Kerrion
And, that's all I know about. If you're a participant and you've posted, feel free to leave links in the comments field!
Here are some posts that have gone live:
Becca J. Campbell at Inspiration for Creation (Giveaway begins!)
J. M. Cataffo interviews Kirtin Pulioff
T. M. Franklin announces a sale on her novel MORE and an Amazon gift card giveaway!
Jami Gray announces the BBF and give you a sneak peak!
David J. Kirk has posted the Goodreads Giveaways for Particular Stones and Sandra Perez Gluschankoff's The Last Fernandez!
Sydney Logan has posted about her giveaway and a schedule for the authors she is hosting:
Shannon McRoberts has kicked off the BBF onher blog with a Guest Post from Jason Andrew Bond!
Kelly Miller has posted her Most Despised Mystery Cliches post. head over there and vote for the cliche that drives you crazy!
Rosanne Rivers has posted a giveaway of her novel, After the Fear!
Wendy Russo has posted a preview of what she'll be doing for the BBF!
The Reader Choice Awards polls will be going live later tonight, but there is a list of the categories on the Shut Up and Read blog.
Thomas Winship give you a sneak peak at what he'll be doing for the BBF
Kimberly Gould kicks off the BBF with a giveaway!
Check out this AWESOME prize Beck Sherman is giving away!
Jason Andrew Bond hosts Jade Kerrion
And, that's all I know about. If you're a participant and you've posted, feel free to leave links in the comments field!
Monday, February 4, 2013
Alexandra Allred
Alexandra Allred is the author of Damaged Goods and the upcoming releases White Trash and Roadkill. All of them are Dramadies--a cross between drama and comedy--and are also mysteries. Alexandra has a brand new blog on which she will feature Tom Immins during the Blogger Book Fair. Here are the blurbs for her books:
Damaged Goods:
On paper, Marcus, Texas, looks like any other small town in Texas. Its landscape is charming, lifelong residents have a shared history, and business is booming. But soon after Joanna Lucas moves to town, she makes startling discoveries. Her next door neighbor had her leg gnawed off by a loose tiger, a beer-drinking emu lurks on her property, and her real estate agent neglected to mention that something in Marcus was making the residents very sick. While Joanna ponders hiring illegal immigrants to work on her newly acquired but dilapidated house, others are wondering about Joanna. Is she the one? Could she be the outsider they have been looking for to turn things upside-down and reveal the ugly truth?
With such heavy topics as corporate greed, industrial pollution, illegal immigrants, and corrupt politicians, only the residents of Marcus could make Damaged Goods a comedy. Prepare to cheer and laugh out loud as they fight city hall!
Available Now
The Writer's Coffee Shop Publishing House (On Sale for $4.99 during BBF!)
White Trash:
When Thia Franks returns to her hometown of Granby, Texas, the very place to which she’d vowed never to return, Granby’s worst and best elements force the new single mother to face both her past and her destiny. At first, it seems that nothing has changed: Chester Kennedy’s goats continue to run rampant through the town, Officer Tina Wolfe stands accused of racial profiling the growing Hispanic community, Thia’s gun-wielding neighbor believes a squirrel has it in for her, and the town’s local newspaper owner prints only what she believes the citizens should know. But when a young black man–-an upstanding and popular citizen of the small, east-central Texas town–-is brutally murdered, everything changes. Everyone is being watched. Everyone is being judged.
Coming July 2013!
A Dramatic Murder Mystery Comedy. Coming August 2013!
On paper, Marcus, Texas, looks like any other small town in Texas. Its landscape is charming, lifelong residents have a shared history, and business is booming. But soon after Joanna Lucas moves to town, she makes startling discoveries. Her next door neighbor had her leg gnawed off by a loose tiger, a beer-drinking emu lurks on her property, and her real estate agent neglected to mention that something in Marcus was making the residents very sick. While Joanna ponders hiring illegal immigrants to work on her newly acquired but dilapidated house, others are wondering about Joanna. Is she the one? Could she be the outsider they have been looking for to turn things upside-down and reveal the ugly truth?
With such heavy topics as corporate greed, industrial pollution, illegal immigrants, and corrupt politicians, only the residents of Marcus could make Damaged Goods a comedy. Prepare to cheer and laugh out loud as they fight city hall!
Available Now
The Writer's Coffee Shop Publishing House (On Sale for $4.99 during BBF!)
When Thia Franks returns to her hometown of Granby, Texas, the very place to which she’d vowed never to return, Granby’s worst and best elements force the new single mother to face both her past and her destiny. At first, it seems that nothing has changed: Chester Kennedy’s goats continue to run rampant through the town, Officer Tina Wolfe stands accused of racial profiling the growing Hispanic community, Thia’s gun-wielding neighbor believes a squirrel has it in for her, and the town’s local newspaper owner prints only what she believes the citizens should know. But when a young black man–-an upstanding and popular citizen of the small, east-central Texas town–-is brutally murdered, everything changes. Everyone is being watched. Everyone is being judged.
Coming July 2013!
A Dramatic Murder Mystery Comedy. Coming August 2013!
Nathan Squiers
Nathan Squiers is the author of The Crimson Shadow Series which includes two novels and a number of short stories that go along with them. The paranormal thriller novels are titled Noir and Sins of the Father. Another novel on his roster is Curtain Call: A Death Metal Novel. You can read about all of these below. He will also be featuring authors on his blogs during the fair.
Crimson Shadow: Noir
**This book contains mild graphic language that may not be suitable for younger readers**
Xander Stryker wants to die. Ever since witnessing his mother's murder at the hands of his abusive stepfather when he was a boy, he has spent every day trying to reach that goal. But every night he's denied the death he craves. When his eighteenth birthday approaches,an unforeseen chance for change is offered when his life is plunged into chaos and he's dragged into a supernatural world of vampires and other creatures of darkness. Caught in the depths of this new reality, mysteries of hissupernatural lineage begin to unravel and Xander is given the ultimate choice: Continue on with his wretched life or begin a new one as the vampire he was always meant to be. Unfortunately, the supernatural world can be just as unforgiving and brutal as any other and Xander's choice is met with disastrous consequences. Now, with the chaos of the new world pressing down on him, his past reemerges and once again threatens to crush him. Will Xander be able to use his new strength to conquer his fears, or will he succumb to his own bloody darkness...
...and allow it to finally destroy him.
Coming Soon!
Crimson Shadow: Sins of the Father
Xander’s had it rough… …and while the trials and tribulations of the young vampire’s life have left him with a fiery rage, things are finally beginning to come together. Armed with his trusty revolvers, Yin and Yang, and a thirst for death and destruction, there is nothing that his expertise and fury can’t stand against! Except the spell-binding Estella… **** Estella finally has her best friend back… …and, despite her many years of training in the art of magic, it wasn’t until recently that she discovered just how deep the paranormal world goes. But no matter how overwhelming the revelations might be, she’s found reassurance and comfort in the depths of Xander’s supernatural embrace… **** With their relationship’s intensity growing, a new threat emerges from Stryker family’s past; one with a personal vendetta and visceral goals. Even with the help of some unlikely new allies, will the paranormal pair(and their blossoming relationship) be able survive the infernal rage?
Coming Soon!
Curtain Call: A Death Metal Novel
A promising career in the music industry was on the horizon for up-and-coming heavy metal band, Bloodtones. Even for their non-human members, this is the opportunity of a lifetime!
Yes, life was good… until it took a hellish turn.
After a bizarre encounter, Bloodtones' lead-singer Bekka finds herself sharing her body with a slew of terrified beings and in mortal danger from wraithlike forces capable of superhuman feats.
When fans can be otherworldly assassins and every mood-swing can end in an exploding amp, Bloodtones' rock-solid future is rapidly crumbling before their very eyes. What hope do the five have against a force that neither their magic or paranormal members can begin to explain? With no choice but to fight, Bekka and her band-mates soon find themselves struggling for not only their music…
… but their very lives.
Coming Soon!
Short Stories in the Crimson Shadow Series include:
A Tasty Nostalgia
Christian's a FREAK
Just Another Night
LUNA(tic) Parts 1-3
Magic Murderer
True Love's First Kiss
What Happens in Vegas
Wicked Paints
These will all be available soon! Nathan is in the process of re-publishing his work.
Crimson Shadow: Noir
**This book contains mild graphic language that may not be suitable for younger readers**
Xander Stryker wants to die. Ever since witnessing his mother's murder at the hands of his abusive stepfather when he was a boy, he has spent every day trying to reach that goal. But every night he's denied the death he craves. When his eighteenth birthday approaches,an unforeseen chance for change is offered when his life is plunged into chaos and he's dragged into a supernatural world of vampires and other creatures of darkness. Caught in the depths of this new reality, mysteries of hissupernatural lineage begin to unravel and Xander is given the ultimate choice: Continue on with his wretched life or begin a new one as the vampire he was always meant to be. Unfortunately, the supernatural world can be just as unforgiving and brutal as any other and Xander's choice is met with disastrous consequences. Now, with the chaos of the new world pressing down on him, his past reemerges and once again threatens to crush him. Will Xander be able to use his new strength to conquer his fears, or will he succumb to his own bloody darkness...
...and allow it to finally destroy him.
Coming Soon!
Crimson Shadow: Sins of the Father
Xander’s had it rough… …and while the trials and tribulations of the young vampire’s life have left him with a fiery rage, things are finally beginning to come together. Armed with his trusty revolvers, Yin and Yang, and a thirst for death and destruction, there is nothing that his expertise and fury can’t stand against! Except the spell-binding Estella… **** Estella finally has her best friend back… …and, despite her many years of training in the art of magic, it wasn’t until recently that she discovered just how deep the paranormal world goes. But no matter how overwhelming the revelations might be, she’s found reassurance and comfort in the depths of Xander’s supernatural embrace… **** With their relationship’s intensity growing, a new threat emerges from Stryker family’s past; one with a personal vendetta and visceral goals. Even with the help of some unlikely new allies, will the paranormal pair(and their blossoming relationship) be able survive the infernal rage?
Coming Soon!
Curtain Call: A Death Metal Novel
A promising career in the music industry was on the horizon for up-and-coming heavy metal band, Bloodtones. Even for their non-human members, this is the opportunity of a lifetime!
Yes, life was good… until it took a hellish turn.
After a bizarre encounter, Bloodtones' lead-singer Bekka finds herself sharing her body with a slew of terrified beings and in mortal danger from wraithlike forces capable of superhuman feats.
When fans can be otherworldly assassins and every mood-swing can end in an exploding amp, Bloodtones' rock-solid future is rapidly crumbling before their very eyes. What hope do the five have against a force that neither their magic or paranormal members can begin to explain? With no choice but to fight, Bekka and her band-mates soon find themselves struggling for not only their music…
… but their very lives.
Coming Soon!
Short Stories in the Crimson Shadow Series include:
A Tasty Nostalgia
Christian's a FREAK
Just Another Night
LUNA(tic) Parts 1-3
Magic Murderer
True Love's First Kiss
What Happens in Vegas
Wicked Paints
These will all be available soon! Nathan is in the process of re-publishing his work.
Fel at The Peasants Revolt
Fel Wetzig blogs from The Peasants Revolt where she also writes about Folklore and post book reviews. There are even a few short stories available to read right on her website.
Fel is hosting the Snapshot Synopsis Contest on her blog. This is where participants in the Blogger Book Fair submit the very short summary of their book to her, she posts them, and YOU vote! So stop over there for the vote!
Here is the
2/7 opening of Synopsis Snapshot Contest (http://www.scotzig.com/ssc-bbf/)
2/8 Guest post from Jade Kerrion & Promo of When the Silence Ends
2/9 Interview with Allison Blanchard & Promo of Forget me Not
2/10 Interview with Kayla Curry & Obsidian Promo/Giveaway
2/10 Synopsis Snapshot winners will be announced at 8:00p ET
Fel is hosting the Snapshot Synopsis Contest on her blog. This is where participants in the Blogger Book Fair submit the very short summary of their book to her, she posts them, and YOU vote! So stop over there for the vote!
Here is the
BBF Schedule for The Peasants Revolt
2/7 opening of Synopsis Snapshot Contest (http://www.scotzig.com/ssc-bbf/)
Voting will be open from 12:01a ET 2/7 through 11:59p ET 2/9
2/8 Guest post from Jade Kerrion & Promo of When the Silence Ends
2/9 Interview with Allison Blanchard & Promo of Forget me Not
2/10 Interview with Kayla Curry & Obsidian Promo/Giveaway
2/10 Synopsis Snapshot winners will be announced at 8:00p ET
Naimeless Blog
The Naimelss Blog run by Naomi. She frequently reviews books and she'll be hosting some authors and representing others:
Hosting these BBF participants:
Erosion of the Heart by Shannon McRoberts
Flight of Blue by A.E. Howard
The Bird Brained Book Series by Emlyn Chand
The Raven by Edgar Allen Poe
A Supposidly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again by David Foster Wallace
Jellicle Girl by Stevie Mikayne
Michael Cargill
Michael Cargill is the author of the thriller novel Underneath. He also has a few short stories out. You can read about Underneath below:
Look at the person sitting just across from you. It doesn't matter whether they’re a loved one, a friend, or a complete stranger.
Now look at their face. Are they happy? Are they sad? Or are they angry? Can you even tell?
How well do you actually know the people closest to you?
Have you ever seen the real person that lies just underneath what you see...?
Available Now
He'll be hosted by these blogs during the BBF:
Brandon R. Luffman
Cindy Young-Turner at Journey to Fantastical Realms
Look at the person sitting just across from you. It doesn't matter whether they’re a loved one, a friend, or a complete stranger.
Now look at their face. Are they happy? Are they sad? Or are they angry? Can you even tell?
How well do you actually know the people closest to you?
Have you ever seen the real person that lies just underneath what you see...?
Available Now
He'll be hosted by these blogs during the BBF:
Brandon R. Luffman
Cindy Young-Turner at Journey to Fantastical Realms
Brooklyn James
Brooklyn James knows no boundaries when it comes to genre, she has four books released in 3 different areas. Vigilare and Vigilare Hellhound are paranormal thrillers, The Boots My Mother Gave Me is a young adult women's fiction, and Get This Body in a Barn: A Milkmaid's Guide to Fitness is a non-fiction fitness guide. Read about them below. She will also be host to two authors and will be announcing free books and a giveaway on her blog during the BBF.
Book #1 in Vigilare series. Where One System Fails, Another Never Gives Up! Detectives Gina DeLuca and Tony Gronkowski investigate a string of murders among Vanguard's most loathsome population, rapists and pedophiles. With fed up citizens, the city is on the verge of a vigilante uprising in support of their seemingly superhuman Vigilare with the sparkling emerald green eyes. Friend or foe, Vanguard Police Department has a job to do in bringing the vigilant one to justice, causing their own internal battle with right and wrong, immoral and just. Following their leads, Detectives DeLuca and Gronkowski find themselves pulled into a mysterious world of super blood and super powers, and closer to the Vigilare than ever expected. It's a race to the finish between Detectives DeLuca and Gronkowski and the Vigilare to figure out who she is and why she exists. The first in a Trilogy, Vigilare-the one who watches over-comes to light. Advisory: Rated Mature. Mature themes. Mature language. Not for young audiences. Nor for the faint of heart.
Available Now
Vigilare: Hellhound:
Book #2 in Vigilare series.
A red hue emerges, where once it was only emerald green!
Now accepting of her position, Vigilare is propelled into a twist on Greek Mythology's Cerberus―Hell Hound―a rival Vigilare with fire capabilities. ETNA harbored her blood. Have they created a monster they cannot control? Along with her motley crew, the dashing Detective Tony Gronkowski, wily hematologist Dr. Godfrey and suspicious Emily Truly, Vigilare comes face to face with her past in the form of the hellish one.
As the city of New Orleans and its Gambini mafia family are under siege with Vigilare drones, the power hungry Emily wastes no time in solidifying her place in the ranks when she exposes Vigilare to the menacing Hell Hound. Newcomer, Maxim Kiesel, the steel blue-eyed prodigy graced with icy powers may very well be the antidote, or the ultimate traitor.
Will Vigilare give up her role, sacrificing her immortality to stop Hell Hound? The second in a trilogy, Vigilare: Hell Hound―when power is given, the true testament of one's character will rise.
Available Now
The Boots My Mother Gave Me:
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to walk through life in someone else's shoes?
Strong-willed tomboy Harley LeBeau puts you in the boots her mother gave her, as she takes you along her journey of escape from an abusive childhood and the desire to find herself as she comes of age. Made to feel a burden to her father simply by her gender, Harley is determined to prove her worth and independence, leaving the small town she grew up in and the one boy who gave her a soft place to fall, Jeremiah Johnson. Torn between saving herself and abandoning her mother and younger sister, Harley chooses her own life in hopes they will choose theirs, too.
A mature, candid read for everyone. A must for women. The Boots My Mother Gave Me explores the dynamics of abuse and dysfunction, the courage to overcome, the strength in sisterhood, and the ongoing conflict and unconditional love between mothers and daughters.
Climb into Charlene the Chevelle for a fast-paced story about a girl who is tough enough to survive and tender enough to learn to trust in love.
Signed Paperback & Original Music Soundtrack to The Boots My Mother Gave Me can be found at www.brooklyn-james.com
Available Now
Get This Body in a Barn: A Milkmaid's Guide to Fitness:
If you're looking for a no thrills, no frills, tried and tested laywoman's fitness routine for the average everyday woman, you may enjoy this book.
Call me a fundamentalist, in life and in physical fitness, which I find helpful in productivity and time management. I don't have much time for novelties. I enjoy capitalizing on the basics. Life doesn't have to be complicated, no more than does fitness. The fast-paced world in which we live has all of us chasing down the ever elusive element of time. “I don't have the time” is the number one reason/excuse people consistently cite for not working out.
This book is my interpretation of working with what you have and making what you have work for you, in both your physical form and fitness resources, while keeping in mind convenience and time factors. This is a guide for beginners and intermediates, highlighting a few, very basic, yet specific resistance and cardiovascular exercises that are fully transportable across the gym and at-home fitness spectrums. Equipped with our bodies and very few essentials, we all have the capacity to meet our fitness goals. With those things, there is nothing left to do but to do it…get active.
In its relativity, having the time has nothing to do with it. Working out boils down to will and commitment, making the time has everything to do with it. Personally, I find I am more inclined to make time for fitness if it is convenient, productive (yields results) and if I can capitalize on my gains (cash in on the best results in the shortest amount of time). To me, that outcome is worth making time for. These are the principles discussed herein, turning up the intensity for a shorter period of time, attempting to accrue more bang for your buck!
Inspired by a makeshift gym in a barn, all exercises and principles within the book are translatable across the continuum, be it a spare room, the garage, the gym or a barn. With an encouraging girl-next-door delivery, birds-eye view of my personal regimen and basic blueprints for constructing your very own weekly workout regimen, sculpting the body you desire is simply a matter of commitment, time management and follow-through.
My fitness credentials include previous certification as a Personal Trainer and Massage Therapist. I am currently a licensed Registered Nurse. I have an M.A. in Commnication and a B.S. in both Animal Science and Nursing, with a minor in Athletic Training. However, my physical fitness education started in my childhood, growing up on a dairy farm...the impetus behind the book and its humble 'tongue-in-cheek' cover.
Available Now
Let it go:
Let It Go, contemporary romance, coming march 2013
Here is the schedule for Brooklyn James' Blog Promos and Giveaways:
Book #1 in Vigilare series. Where One System Fails, Another Never Gives Up! Detectives Gina DeLuca and Tony Gronkowski investigate a string of murders among Vanguard's most loathsome population, rapists and pedophiles. With fed up citizens, the city is on the verge of a vigilante uprising in support of their seemingly superhuman Vigilare with the sparkling emerald green eyes. Friend or foe, Vanguard Police Department has a job to do in bringing the vigilant one to justice, causing their own internal battle with right and wrong, immoral and just. Following their leads, Detectives DeLuca and Gronkowski find themselves pulled into a mysterious world of super blood and super powers, and closer to the Vigilare than ever expected. It's a race to the finish between Detectives DeLuca and Gronkowski and the Vigilare to figure out who she is and why she exists. The first in a Trilogy, Vigilare-the one who watches over-comes to light. Advisory: Rated Mature. Mature themes. Mature language. Not for young audiences. Nor for the faint of heart.
Available Now
Book #2 in Vigilare series.
A red hue emerges, where once it was only emerald green!
Now accepting of her position, Vigilare is propelled into a twist on Greek Mythology's Cerberus―Hell Hound―a rival Vigilare with fire capabilities. ETNA harbored her blood. Have they created a monster they cannot control? Along with her motley crew, the dashing Detective Tony Gronkowski, wily hematologist Dr. Godfrey and suspicious Emily Truly, Vigilare comes face to face with her past in the form of the hellish one.
As the city of New Orleans and its Gambini mafia family are under siege with Vigilare drones, the power hungry Emily wastes no time in solidifying her place in the ranks when she exposes Vigilare to the menacing Hell Hound. Newcomer, Maxim Kiesel, the steel blue-eyed prodigy graced with icy powers may very well be the antidote, or the ultimate traitor.
Will Vigilare give up her role, sacrificing her immortality to stop Hell Hound? The second in a trilogy, Vigilare: Hell Hound―when power is given, the true testament of one's character will rise.
Available Now
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to walk through life in someone else's shoes?
Strong-willed tomboy Harley LeBeau puts you in the boots her mother gave her, as she takes you along her journey of escape from an abusive childhood and the desire to find herself as she comes of age. Made to feel a burden to her father simply by her gender, Harley is determined to prove her worth and independence, leaving the small town she grew up in and the one boy who gave her a soft place to fall, Jeremiah Johnson. Torn between saving herself and abandoning her mother and younger sister, Harley chooses her own life in hopes they will choose theirs, too.
A mature, candid read for everyone. A must for women. The Boots My Mother Gave Me explores the dynamics of abuse and dysfunction, the courage to overcome, the strength in sisterhood, and the ongoing conflict and unconditional love between mothers and daughters.
Climb into Charlene the Chevelle for a fast-paced story about a girl who is tough enough to survive and tender enough to learn to trust in love.
Signed Paperback & Original Music Soundtrack to The Boots My Mother Gave Me can be found at www.brooklyn-james.com
Available Now
If you're looking for a no thrills, no frills, tried and tested laywoman's fitness routine for the average everyday woman, you may enjoy this book.
Call me a fundamentalist, in life and in physical fitness, which I find helpful in productivity and time management. I don't have much time for novelties. I enjoy capitalizing on the basics. Life doesn't have to be complicated, no more than does fitness. The fast-paced world in which we live has all of us chasing down the ever elusive element of time. “I don't have the time” is the number one reason/excuse people consistently cite for not working out.
This book is my interpretation of working with what you have and making what you have work for you, in both your physical form and fitness resources, while keeping in mind convenience and time factors. This is a guide for beginners and intermediates, highlighting a few, very basic, yet specific resistance and cardiovascular exercises that are fully transportable across the gym and at-home fitness spectrums. Equipped with our bodies and very few essentials, we all have the capacity to meet our fitness goals. With those things, there is nothing left to do but to do it…get active.
In its relativity, having the time has nothing to do with it. Working out boils down to will and commitment, making the time has everything to do with it. Personally, I find I am more inclined to make time for fitness if it is convenient, productive (yields results) and if I can capitalize on my gains (cash in on the best results in the shortest amount of time). To me, that outcome is worth making time for. These are the principles discussed herein, turning up the intensity for a shorter period of time, attempting to accrue more bang for your buck!
Inspired by a makeshift gym in a barn, all exercises and principles within the book are translatable across the continuum, be it a spare room, the garage, the gym or a barn. With an encouraging girl-next-door delivery, birds-eye view of my personal regimen and basic blueprints for constructing your very own weekly workout regimen, sculpting the body you desire is simply a matter of commitment, time management and follow-through.
My fitness credentials include previous certification as a Personal Trainer and Massage Therapist. I am currently a licensed Registered Nurse. I have an M.A. in Commnication and a B.S. in both Animal Science and Nursing, with a minor in Athletic Training. However, my physical fitness education started in my childhood, growing up on a dairy farm...the impetus behind the book and its humble 'tongue-in-cheek' cover.
Available Now
Let it go:
Let It Go, contemporary romance, coming march 2013
Here is the schedule for Brooklyn James' Blog Promos and Giveaways:
- Thursday, February 7: Vigilare FREE on Amazon Kindle.
- Friday, February 8: Author Guest Post by Mindy Killgrove. Giveaway of one paperback copy of her novel Meet Me at the Pond.
- Saturday, February 9: Author Guest Post by Tom Immins. Amazon Kindle FREE, Immins' The Sam Lucas Thrillers Series. Czech Mate, No Write to Die, and Deal Me Out.
- Sunday, February 10: Get This Body In A Barn: The Milkmaid's Guide To Fitness FREE on Amazon Kindle.
Jen McConnel
Jen McConnel is the author of The Burning of Isobel Key and The Key Inheritance. They are both part of the Key Legacy series and are contemporary new adult works. you can read about them below. She will also feature authors on her blog during the fair.
The Burning of Isobel Key:
When Lou travels to Scotland, she’s a mess. She’s twenty-six, unemployed, and unsure of herself. It doesn’t help that she’s traveling with Tammy, her best friend, who is everything Lou is not.
At first, the trip pushes Lou towards the brink of depression, but then she meets Brian, a handsome local tour guide. When Brian tells the tourists about the countless witches burned in Scotland, Lou starts to listen. And when she discovers information about Isobel Key, one of the victims of the seventeenth century, Lou finds renewed purpose.
She sets out to learn the truth of the condemned witch, but she isn’t prepared for the knowledge that waits for her. Lou must face her demons if she has any hope of righting the wrongs of the past.
Available Now
The Key Inheritance:
Ten years after the trip to Scotland that changed her life, Lou is back in the misty, magical country. This time, however, she’s not on vacation: Lou is there to settle some distasteful and depressing family business. When Brian, her old Highland fling, turns up, Lou is forced to wrestle with a past that she thought was dead and buried. As tension between the former lovers mounts, something wicked is stirring in Scotland. Lou must use all her strength to handle the increasingly desperate situation, but will she be strong enough to battle both a vengeful ghost and her heart?
The Key Inheritance is a novella that takes place a decade after the events of The Burning of Isobel Key. This contemporary story crosses into the supernatural as Lou discovers evidence of a long-dead spirit who refuses to rest in peace. Lou may have thought that she was finished with the witch Isobel Key, but her inheritance is more than the young woman can handle alone.
Available Now
Amazon (FREE during BBF!)
Jen McConnel is hosting authors on her blog who answered these questions:
If money weren't an issue, where would you like to travel and why?
Why did you choose to set your novel when and where you did?
She is offering The Key Inheritance for FREE during Blogger Book Fair, so be sure to pick it up!
When Lou travels to Scotland, she’s a mess. She’s twenty-six, unemployed, and unsure of herself. It doesn’t help that she’s traveling with Tammy, her best friend, who is everything Lou is not.
At first, the trip pushes Lou towards the brink of depression, but then she meets Brian, a handsome local tour guide. When Brian tells the tourists about the countless witches burned in Scotland, Lou starts to listen. And when she discovers information about Isobel Key, one of the victims of the seventeenth century, Lou finds renewed purpose.
She sets out to learn the truth of the condemned witch, but she isn’t prepared for the knowledge that waits for her. Lou must face her demons if she has any hope of righting the wrongs of the past.
Available Now
Ten years after the trip to Scotland that changed her life, Lou is back in the misty, magical country. This time, however, she’s not on vacation: Lou is there to settle some distasteful and depressing family business. When Brian, her old Highland fling, turns up, Lou is forced to wrestle with a past that she thought was dead and buried. As tension between the former lovers mounts, something wicked is stirring in Scotland. Lou must use all her strength to handle the increasingly desperate situation, but will she be strong enough to battle both a vengeful ghost and her heart?
The Key Inheritance is a novella that takes place a decade after the events of The Burning of Isobel Key. This contemporary story crosses into the supernatural as Lou discovers evidence of a long-dead spirit who refuses to rest in peace. Lou may have thought that she was finished with the witch Isobel Key, but her inheritance is more than the young woman can handle alone.
Available Now
Amazon (FREE during BBF!)
Jen McConnel is hosting authors on her blog who answered these questions:
If money weren't an issue, where would you like to travel and why?
Why did you choose to set your novel when and where you did?
She is offering The Key Inheritance for FREE during Blogger Book Fair, so be sure to pick it up!
Wynne Channing
Wynne Channing is the author of the young adult paranormal novel, What Kills Me. You can read all about her novel below. Wynne will be hosting an event on her blog during the Blogger Book Fair for The Best and Worst of Books and Blogs 2012.
What Kills Me:
An ancient prophecy warns of a girl destined to cause the extinction of the vampire race.
So when 17-year-old Axelia falls into a sacred well filled with blood and emerges a vampire, the immortal empire believes she is this legendary destroyer. Hunted by soldiers and mercenaries, Axelia and her reluctant ally, the vampire bladesmith Lucas, must battle to survive.
How will she convince the empire that she is just an innocent teenager-turned bloodsucker and not a creature of destruction? And if she cannot, can a vampire who is afraid of bugs summon the courage to fight a nation of immortals?
Available Now
Wynne channing is hosting The Best and Worst of Books and Blogs 2012 event on her blog. So be sure to check it out!
An ancient prophecy warns of a girl destined to cause the extinction of the vampire race.
So when 17-year-old Axelia falls into a sacred well filled with blood and emerges a vampire, the immortal empire believes she is this legendary destroyer. Hunted by soldiers and mercenaries, Axelia and her reluctant ally, the vampire bladesmith Lucas, must battle to survive.
How will she convince the empire that she is just an innocent teenager-turned bloodsucker and not a creature of destruction? And if she cannot, can a vampire who is afraid of bugs summon the courage to fight a nation of immortals?
Available Now
Wynne channing is hosting The Best and Worst of Books and Blogs 2012 event on her blog. So be sure to check it out!
Thomas Winship
Thomas Winship is the author of the Vaempires Series. So far these books include Vaempires: Revolution, Vaempires: White Christmas, and Vaempires Zombie Rising. They are all new adult urban fantasies with an added element of horror. Check out the blurbs below! He is also hosting authors on his blog with a flash fiction challenge.
Vaempires: Revolution:
It is the morning of Princess Cassandra's sixteenth birthday. Everyone's attention is focused on the heir to the vampire throne. World leaders, the rich and famous, and VIPs from every corner of the globe have gathered in the nation's capital to celebrate the momentous event.
Cassandra's boyfriend, Daniel, is late for the party. He's still outside the city when all hell breaks loose. What he believes is an act of terrorism proves to be a full-fledged revolution. Væmpires--former vampires who mutated into warm-blooded creatures with an insatiable hunger for cold blood--have launched coordinated attacks across the globe, with three goals: the eradication of humanity, the enslavement of vampires, and the ascension of væmpires as the dominant species on the planet.
The vampire and human leaders are killed. Cassandra is missing. Daniel is the acting king. Desperate to find the princess, Daniel and his friends fight their way across the besieged city. With the hopes of the free world resting on the shoulders of four vampire teenagers, væmpires unleash their secret weapons: a new breed of væmpire that is far deadlier than any ever seen before.
What can four teens do against an enemy that can shape-shift, fly, and walk through walls?
Available Now
Vaempires: White Christmas
It's almost Christmas. With the global holiday days away, the people of the world should be turning their attention toward celebrating peace and goodwill, but tension between humans, vampires, and væmpires is at an all-time high. Desperate for solutions, King Brant schedules a secret summit deep in North America's Northern Forest. Along with Queen Anne, Princess Cassandra, Daniel's family, and the human president and First Lady, the vampire leader seeks to reaffirm the ties between humans and vampires, while brainstorming ways to respond to the growing hostility among væmpires.
Meanwhile, Daniel and Cassie's relationship is at an all-time low. The princess is still reeling from her breakup with Vielyn, and Daniel doesn't know what he should or shouldn't do to help. Little does he know that the summit will be flooded with surprises--guests, allegations, accusations, proposals, and even Christmas Eve revelations--but not all of the surprises will be pleasant.
**Author's note: This story takes place six months before the events in Væmpires: Revolution. However, it is designed to be read after Væmpires: Revolution.**
Available Now
Vaempires: Zombie Rising
The tale of the Evolutionary War resumes in Væmpires: Zombie Rising.
Væmpires have taken control of twelve major cities. Their leader, Vielyn, seeks the atomic weapons that will bring the rest of the world to its knees.
Vampire forces are reeling. As Linq and Ray race to the royal estate to rendezvous with Cassandra and Daniel, the princess is captured and Daniel falls.
With the fate of world shifting to their teenage shoulders, Linq and Ray must deal with tremendous losses while battling a most unexpected—and undeadly—new foe.
Available Now
Tom will be hosting Flash Fiction features on the Vaempires Blog during the fair. He asked participants to write a flash fiction piece that was 500 or under and begin with the line: "Lightning flashed. For one brief second, everything was illuminated. And my life was never the same."
See which authors answered his challenge on his blog during the BBF!
Here are some authors who will be features on his blog during Blogger Book Fair:
Lichgates (Grimoire Trilogy #1) by S.M. Boyce
Treason (Grimoire Trilogy #2) by S.M. Boyce
The End of the World Playlist by Dan O'Brien
Bitten by Dan O'Brien , Revamp by Beck Sherman
He will also be giving away a set of Vaempires novels--signed print for US residents or ebook for US/international residents. Visit his blog for details!
It is the morning of Princess Cassandra's sixteenth birthday. Everyone's attention is focused on the heir to the vampire throne. World leaders, the rich and famous, and VIPs from every corner of the globe have gathered in the nation's capital to celebrate the momentous event.
Cassandra's boyfriend, Daniel, is late for the party. He's still outside the city when all hell breaks loose. What he believes is an act of terrorism proves to be a full-fledged revolution. Væmpires--former vampires who mutated into warm-blooded creatures with an insatiable hunger for cold blood--have launched coordinated attacks across the globe, with three goals: the eradication of humanity, the enslavement of vampires, and the ascension of væmpires as the dominant species on the planet.
The vampire and human leaders are killed. Cassandra is missing. Daniel is the acting king. Desperate to find the princess, Daniel and his friends fight their way across the besieged city. With the hopes of the free world resting on the shoulders of four vampire teenagers, væmpires unleash their secret weapons: a new breed of væmpire that is far deadlier than any ever seen before.
What can four teens do against an enemy that can shape-shift, fly, and walk through walls?
Available Now
It's almost Christmas. With the global holiday days away, the people of the world should be turning their attention toward celebrating peace and goodwill, but tension between humans, vampires, and væmpires is at an all-time high. Desperate for solutions, King Brant schedules a secret summit deep in North America's Northern Forest. Along with Queen Anne, Princess Cassandra, Daniel's family, and the human president and First Lady, the vampire leader seeks to reaffirm the ties between humans and vampires, while brainstorming ways to respond to the growing hostility among væmpires.
Meanwhile, Daniel and Cassie's relationship is at an all-time low. The princess is still reeling from her breakup with Vielyn, and Daniel doesn't know what he should or shouldn't do to help. Little does he know that the summit will be flooded with surprises--guests, allegations, accusations, proposals, and even Christmas Eve revelations--but not all of the surprises will be pleasant.
**Author's note: This story takes place six months before the events in Væmpires: Revolution. However, it is designed to be read after Væmpires: Revolution.**
Available Now
The tale of the Evolutionary War resumes in Væmpires: Zombie Rising.
Væmpires have taken control of twelve major cities. Their leader, Vielyn, seeks the atomic weapons that will bring the rest of the world to its knees.
Vampire forces are reeling. As Linq and Ray race to the royal estate to rendezvous with Cassandra and Daniel, the princess is captured and Daniel falls.
With the fate of world shifting to their teenage shoulders, Linq and Ray must deal with tremendous losses while battling a most unexpected—and undeadly—new foe.
Available Now
Tom will be hosting Flash Fiction features on the Vaempires Blog during the fair. He asked participants to write a flash fiction piece that was 500 or under and begin with the line: "Lightning flashed. For one brief second, everything was illuminated. And my life was never the same."
See which authors answered his challenge on his blog during the BBF!
Here are some authors who will be features on his blog during Blogger Book Fair:
Lichgates (Grimoire Trilogy #1) by S.M. Boyce
Treason (Grimoire Trilogy #2) by S.M. Boyce
The End of the World Playlist by Dan O'Brien
Bitten by Dan O'Brien , Revamp by Beck Sherman
He will also be giving away a set of Vaempires novels--signed print for US residents or ebook for US/international residents. Visit his blog for details!
Kirstin Pulioff
Kirstin Pilioff is the author of The Escape of Princess Madeline which is a middle grade to young adult fairy tale. She is also hosting authors on her blog during the fair.
Read the blurb below:
The Escape of Princess Madeline:
The Kingdom of Soron is known for many things, its rolling landscape, haunting history, fiery sunsets, and its beautiful princess. Princess Madeline woke on her sixteenth birthday to realize that her future had been planned out, a life full of privilege, royalty, and boredom... a life with a husband and knight champion that she did not choose. Using her charm, strength and stubbornness, she defies the King at every turn, determined to keep her freedom on her terms.
Freedom quickly turns to disaster as she finds herself seized by a group of wandering bandits. With the kingdom in turmoil over her capture; her Knight Champion eager to prove himself, a group of dedicated suitors determined to win her hand, and a group of exiled wizards join forces in the hunt to rescue her. Follow Princess Madeline in this adventure full of twists and turns as she tries to find her freedom and answers to her questions about life and love.
Read the blurb below:
The Escape of Princess Madeline:
The Kingdom of Soron is known for many things, its rolling landscape, haunting history, fiery sunsets, and its beautiful princess. Princess Madeline woke on her sixteenth birthday to realize that her future had been planned out, a life full of privilege, royalty, and boredom... a life with a husband and knight champion that she did not choose. Using her charm, strength and stubbornness, she defies the King at every turn, determined to keep her freedom on her terms.
Freedom quickly turns to disaster as she finds herself seized by a group of wandering bandits. With the kingdom in turmoil over her capture; her Knight Champion eager to prove himself, a group of dedicated suitors determined to win her hand, and a group of exiled wizards join forces in the hunt to rescue her. Follow Princess Madeline in this adventure full of twists and turns as she tries to find her freedom and answers to her questions about life and love.
Available Now
Kirstin will be featuring other authors on her blog for the same age group:
Hapenny Magick by Jennifer Carson
To Find A Wonder by Jennifer Carson
Gangsterland by Ansha Koytk
Beautifully Broken by Sherry Soule
Moonlight Mayhem by Sherry Soule
Forget Me Not by Allison Blanchard
Lunula by Alyssa Auch
Lichgates (Grimoire Trilogy #1) by S.M. Boyce
Treason (Grimoire Trilogy #2) by S.M. Boyce
My Open Heart by Andrea Buginsky
The Chosen by Andrea Buginsky
Nature's Unbalance (The Chosen) by Andrea Buginsky
Kirstin will be featuring other authors on her blog for the same age group:
Hapenny Magick by Jennifer Carson
To Find A Wonder by Jennifer Carson
Gangsterland by Ansha Koytk
Beautifully Broken by Sherry Soule
Moonlight Mayhem by Sherry Soule
Forget Me Not by Allison Blanchard
Lunula by Alyssa Auch
Lichgates (Grimoire Trilogy #1) by S.M. Boyce
Treason (Grimoire Trilogy #2) by S.M. Boyce
My Open Heart by Andrea Buginsky
The Chosen by Andrea Buginsky
Nature's Unbalance (The Chosen) by Andrea Buginsky
Dan O'Brien
Dan O'Brien is the author of books in various genres including Bitten, Cerulean Dreams, The End of the World Playlist, The Journey and The Path of the Fallen. Read their blurbs below. He is also hosting authors on his blog during the fair.
A predator stalks a cold northern Minnesotan town. There is talk of wolves walking on two legs and attacking people in the deep woods. Lauren Westlake, resourceful and determined F.B.I Agent, has found a connection between the strange murders in the north and a case file almost a hundred years old. Traveling to the cold north, she begins an investigation that spirals deep into the darkness of mythology and nightmares. Filled with creatures of the night and an ancient romance, the revelation of who hunts beneath the moon is more grisly than anyone could have imagined.
Available Now
Cerulean Dreams:
Orion, the last city of men. Deep within the desert, a secret lay waiting. Young women found dead in the street. A corporation that controls the sleep of a populace that never sees the light of day. Alexander Marlowe seeks to unravel the mysteries of Orion as he helps a young girl, Dana, flee the city. The closer they come to the truth, the greater the danger that hunts them. Follow them as they search beyond the boundaries of everything they have ever known for answers.
Available Now
The End of the World Playlist:
The world as we knew it had ended. Deep in the mountains of the west coast, six men survived. In the town of River’s Bend, these six friends continued on with their lives as zombies inherited the Earth. As they navigated the world that had been left behind, the soundtrack of life continued on.
Available Now
The Journey:
The Frozen Man. The Translucent Man. The Burning Man. The Wicker Man. The guide known only as the Crossroads, together these are the signposts and totems of the world that the being called the Lonely inhabits. Seeking out the meaning of his journey, the Lonely is a being consumed by philosophical inquiry and adventure. Filled with exotic places and age-old questions, the Journey is a book that seeks to merge the fantastical and real. Join the Lonely as he seeks out answers to his own existence and perhaps the meaning for us all.
Available Now
The Path of the Fallen:
Set against the backdrop of the tundra and a world desperate for hope, the journey of a young man, E'Malkai, will come to define a realm that has been broken by an evil that does not sleep. A bitter betrayal, and the inception of a war that will consume the world, forces E'Malkai to confront the past and undertake a pilgrimage that is his by birthright. Follow him on his journey and be transformed.
Available Now
He will be hosting these books and authors on The Dan O'Brien Project during the Blogger Book Fair:
Ghostwriter by Lisa Bryan, Flight Of Dragons by Krya Dune
Time Of Shadows Series #1: Shadow Born by Krya Dune
The End of All Things by Lissa Bryan
Cargon: Honour and Priviledge (Book 1) by Kimberly Gould
Cargon: Duty and Sacrifice (Book 2) by Kimberly Gould
What Kills Me by Wynne Channing
Shadow Of The Dragon by Krya Dune
Elfblood Trilogy #1: Elfblood by Krya Dune
Elfblood Trilogy #2: The Silver Catacombs by Krya Dune
Mortal Remains by Jason Andrew Bond
Hammerhead by Jason Andrew Bond
Perfection Unleashed by Jade Kerrion
Perfect Betrayal by Jade Kerrion
Perfect Weapon by Jade Kerrion
Sally Singletary's Curiousity by J. M. Cataffo
Soul on Fire by John Forster
A predator stalks a cold northern Minnesotan town. There is talk of wolves walking on two legs and attacking people in the deep woods. Lauren Westlake, resourceful and determined F.B.I Agent, has found a connection between the strange murders in the north and a case file almost a hundred years old. Traveling to the cold north, she begins an investigation that spirals deep into the darkness of mythology and nightmares. Filled with creatures of the night and an ancient romance, the revelation of who hunts beneath the moon is more grisly than anyone could have imagined.
Available Now
Cerulean Dreams:
Orion, the last city of men. Deep within the desert, a secret lay waiting. Young women found dead in the street. A corporation that controls the sleep of a populace that never sees the light of day. Alexander Marlowe seeks to unravel the mysteries of Orion as he helps a young girl, Dana, flee the city. The closer they come to the truth, the greater the danger that hunts them. Follow them as they search beyond the boundaries of everything they have ever known for answers.
Available Now
The world as we knew it had ended. Deep in the mountains of the west coast, six men survived. In the town of River’s Bend, these six friends continued on with their lives as zombies inherited the Earth. As they navigated the world that had been left behind, the soundtrack of life continued on.
Available Now
The Frozen Man. The Translucent Man. The Burning Man. The Wicker Man. The guide known only as the Crossroads, together these are the signposts and totems of the world that the being called the Lonely inhabits. Seeking out the meaning of his journey, the Lonely is a being consumed by philosophical inquiry and adventure. Filled with exotic places and age-old questions, the Journey is a book that seeks to merge the fantastical and real. Join the Lonely as he seeks out answers to his own existence and perhaps the meaning for us all.
Available Now
The Path of the Fallen:
Set against the backdrop of the tundra and a world desperate for hope, the journey of a young man, E'Malkai, will come to define a realm that has been broken by an evil that does not sleep. A bitter betrayal, and the inception of a war that will consume the world, forces E'Malkai to confront the past and undertake a pilgrimage that is his by birthright. Follow him on his journey and be transformed.
Available Now
He will be hosting these books and authors on The Dan O'Brien Project during the Blogger Book Fair:
Ghostwriter by Lisa Bryan, Flight Of Dragons by Krya Dune
Time Of Shadows Series #1: Shadow Born by Krya Dune
The End of All Things by Lissa Bryan
Cargon: Honour and Priviledge (Book 1) by Kimberly Gould
Cargon: Duty and Sacrifice (Book 2) by Kimberly Gould
What Kills Me by Wynne Channing
Shadow Of The Dragon by Krya Dune
Elfblood Trilogy #1: Elfblood by Krya Dune
Elfblood Trilogy #2: The Silver Catacombs by Krya Dune
Mortal Remains by Jason Andrew Bond
Hammerhead by Jason Andrew Bond
Perfection Unleashed by Jade Kerrion
Perfect Betrayal by Jade Kerrion
Perfect Weapon by Jade Kerrion
Sally Singletary's Curiousity by J. M. Cataffo
Soul on Fire by John Forster
Kate Lutter
Kate Lutter is the author of Wild Point Island which is an adventurous paranormal romance. Read the blurb below to see if this is your next great read! She will also be hosting authors and an awesome giveaway on her blog during the BBF!
Wild Point Island:
Banished from Wild Point Island as a child, Ella Pattenson, a half human-half revenant, has managed to hide her true identity as a descendent of the Lost Colony of Roanoke. Thought to have perished, the settlers survived but were transformed into revenants--immortal beings who live forever as long as they remain on the island.
Now Ella must return to the place of her birth to rescue her father from imprisonment and a soon to be unspeakable death. Her only hope is to trust a seductive revenant who seems to have ties to the corrupt High Council. Simon Viccars is sexy and like no man she's ever met. But he's been trapped on the island for 400 years and is willing to do almost anything for his freedom.
With the forces of the island conspiring against her, Ella must risk her father, her heart, and her life on love.
Banished from Wild Point Island as a child, Ella Pattenson, a half human-half revenant, has managed to hide her true identity as a descendent of the Lost Colony of Roanoke. Thought to have perished, the settlers survived but were transformed into revenants--immortal beings who live forever as long as they remain on the island.
Now Ella must return to the place of her birth to rescue her father from imprisonment and a soon to be unspeakable death. Her only hope is to trust a seductive revenant who seems to have ties to the corrupt High Council. Simon Viccars is sexy and like no man she's ever met. But he's been trapped on the island for 400 years and is willing to do almost anything for his freedom.
With the forces of the island conspiring against her, Ella must risk her father, her heart, and her life on love.
Available Now
Trindie Books
Kate will be featuring the following books and authors oh her blog, Hot Blogging with Chuck, during the Blogger Book Fair:
The Daughter of Ares Chronicles: The Complete Trilogy by Shannon McRoberts
The Path of the Fallen by Dan O'Brien
My Butterfly by S.J. Byrne
Fractured Soul by Rachel McClellan,
Beautifully Broken by Sherry Soule,
Moonlight Mayhem by Sherry Soule
Wild Point Island by Kate Lutter ,
OLLY by Isabella Sinclair
Shadow's Edge: Book 1 of the Kyn Kronicles by Jami Gray
She also has a special giveaway going on her blog so here's a message from her to all you reader looking to win an ebook of Wild Point Island or even a $25 Amazon gift card!
Kate will be featuring the following books and authors oh her blog, Hot Blogging with Chuck, during the Blogger Book Fair:
The Daughter of Ares Chronicles: The Complete Trilogy by Shannon McRoberts
The Path of the Fallen by Dan O'Brien
My Butterfly by S.J. Byrne
Fractured Soul by Rachel McClellan,
Beautifully Broken by Sherry Soule,
Moonlight Mayhem by Sherry Soule
Wild Point Island by Kate Lutter ,
OLLY by Isabella Sinclair
Shadow's Edge: Book 1 of the Kyn Kronicles by Jami Gray
She also has a special giveaway going on her blog so here's a message from her to all you reader looking to win an ebook of Wild Point Island or even a $25 Amazon gift card!
Any reader who logs onto my blogspot: http://www.katelutter. blogspot.com
and leaves a comment --one sentence will do--about Wild Point Island after they read the blurb etc.
will be eligible to receive a free Kindle ebook of Wild Point Island. I will be giving one ebook per day of the Book Fair - that's four ebooks during the Blogger Book Fair.
On the last day of the fair, all the readers who commented on my blogspot will go into a drawing. One lucky
reader will win an Amazon Gift card for $25.00.
Sydney Logan
Sydney Logan is the author of Lessons Learned which is a new adult romance with a dose of social issues. Sydney is also hosting BBF authors on her blog during the fair. Here's the blurb for Lessons Learned:
Lessons Learned:
English teacher Sarah Bray never thought she’d return to Sycamore Falls, but a traumatic event at her inner-city school leaves her desperate for the sanctuary of home. By returning to her roots, an older and wiser Sarah hopes to deal with the demons of her present and confront the ghosts of her past. She discovers a kindred spirit in Lucas Miller, a teacher from New York with demons of his own. They quickly become friends—bonding through Lucas’s culture shock and their mutual desire to build new lives. When they open their wounded hearts to each other, their friendship effortlessly evolves into romance. Their love is put to the test when Matt, the quarterback of the football team, shares his deepest secret with Sarah. When the conservative community finds out, Sarah and Lucas—along with the town of Sycamore Falls—are schooled in the lessons of acceptance, tolerance, and love.
Available Now
The Writer's Coffee Shop Publishing House (On sale for $4.99 During BBF!)
Sydney will be featuring these books and their authors on HER BLOG during the BBF:
Forget Me Not by Allison Blanchard
The Kingdom by Jennifer M. Barry
The Key Inheritance by Jen McConnel
Beautifully Broken by Sherry Soule
Wraith Redeemed by Mellissa Fox
Each book is featured in a giveaway on Sydney Logan's Blog, with the exception of The Key Inheritance which is FREE during the BBF.
Here's her schedule for the Blogger Book Fair.
Feb 7 - Allison Blanchard - Author interview
Feb 8 - Sherry Soule - Guest Post
Feb 9 - Jen McConnel - Author Spotlight
Feb 10 - Jennifer Barry - Author Spotlight
Feb 10 - Melissa Fox - Guest Post
English teacher Sarah Bray never thought she’d return to Sycamore Falls, but a traumatic event at her inner-city school leaves her desperate for the sanctuary of home. By returning to her roots, an older and wiser Sarah hopes to deal with the demons of her present and confront the ghosts of her past. She discovers a kindred spirit in Lucas Miller, a teacher from New York with demons of his own. They quickly become friends—bonding through Lucas’s culture shock and their mutual desire to build new lives. When they open their wounded hearts to each other, their friendship effortlessly evolves into romance. Their love is put to the test when Matt, the quarterback of the football team, shares his deepest secret with Sarah. When the conservative community finds out, Sarah and Lucas—along with the town of Sycamore Falls—are schooled in the lessons of acceptance, tolerance, and love.
Available Now
The Writer's Coffee Shop Publishing House (On sale for $4.99 During BBF!)
Sydney will be featuring these books and their authors on HER BLOG during the BBF:
Forget Me Not by Allison Blanchard
The Kingdom by Jennifer M. Barry
The Key Inheritance by Jen McConnel
Beautifully Broken by Sherry Soule
Wraith Redeemed by Mellissa Fox
Each book is featured in a giveaway on Sydney Logan's Blog, with the exception of The Key Inheritance which is FREE during the BBF.
Here's her schedule for the Blogger Book Fair.
Feb 7 - Allison Blanchard - Author interview
Feb 8 - Sherry Soule - Guest Post
Feb 9 - Jen McConnel - Author Spotlight
Feb 10 - Jennifer Barry - Author Spotlight
Feb 10 - Melissa Fox - Guest Post
She will also be having a giveaway on her blog. The prizes are one signed copy of Lessons Learned and one $25 Applebee's Gift Card.
Ansha Koytk
Ansha Koytk is the author of the contemporary middle grade fantasy novel, Gangsterland. You can read the blurb below! She is also hosting authors on her blog during the BBF.
Fourteen-year-old Jonathan Brooks would like nothing more than to relax for a few hours and read his comic book. But GANGSTERLAND is no ordinary comic book. When Jonathan actually disappears inside the book, he's dropped into a world of dueling gangsters, a flapper with a fantastic secret and a murder that binds them all. He must decide to become the hero or the final page may trap him inside forever.
Available Now
There will be some giveaways and FREE books announced on her blog, so be sure to check it out!
Fourteen-year-old Jonathan Brooks would like nothing more than to relax for a few hours and read his comic book. But GANGSTERLAND is no ordinary comic book. When Jonathan actually disappears inside the book, he's dropped into a world of dueling gangsters, a flapper with a fantastic secret and a murder that binds them all. He must decide to become the hero or the final page may trap him inside forever.
Available Now
There will be some giveaways and FREE books announced on her blog, so be sure to check it out!
Mindy Killgrove
Mindy Killgrove is the author of the women's fiction novel, Meet Me at the Pond. You can read the blurb below. She is also hosting authors on her blog during the BBF.
Meet Me at the Pond:
A long time ago, I believed in magic. I believed that people could levitate a wooden box. I believed that magicians could read minds. I even believed that little white doves could and would actually fly out of a sleek black scarf. I lost my appetite for magic the first time someone broke my heart. Naturally, it was not the first time that I had been heartbroken, but it was the first time that someone took my heart, tore it up, and danced on the little pieces. At that moment, I was no longer "Missy Lawrence: Believer of all things magical." No, no, at that moment, I became "Missy Lawrence: Most likely to fall for it every time."
Available Now
A long time ago, I believed in magic. I believed that people could levitate a wooden box. I believed that magicians could read minds. I even believed that little white doves could and would actually fly out of a sleek black scarf. I lost my appetite for magic the first time someone broke my heart. Naturally, it was not the first time that I had been heartbroken, but it was the first time that someone took my heart, tore it up, and danced on the little pieces. At that moment, I was no longer "Missy Lawrence: Believer of all things magical." No, no, at that moment, I became "Missy Lawrence: Most likely to fall for it every time."
Available Now
She will be hosting these authors on her blog during the Blogger Book Fair:
Brooklyn James
John Forster
SJ Byrne
There will also be a giveaway on her blog each day of the BBF.
Jacob Donley
Jacob Donley is the author of several short stories that are mainly in the fantasy genre. Below you'll find the blurbs for each one. He will also be hosting authors on his blog during Blogger Book Fair.
Chronicles of a Rock Troll: New Beginning:
In this short story, Car'Al has to deal with the difference of ideals that has caused a rift with his rock troll tribe all his life. The conflict comes to head in this story of conflict, will, and determination.
Available Now
Chronicles of a Rock Troll: A Path of Justice:
Journey with Car’Al out into a new world. Car'Al meets and befriends a human but is forced to venture out in the world as a path is forced onto him by unfortunate circumstances.
Available Now
Tears of Blood: White Line Falling:
The story of an Airship commander whose decision concerning the captain will change the lives everyone aboard the ship and hers forever.
Available Now
Aithne is a priestess in the cult of Kaalnor, the god of chaos. She will do anything to rise from the lowly third order to prestigious first order. This is one of her stories along that path in the land of Weirth amongst the colliding empires of Trimak and Grynith. A tale of The Colliding Empires Collection.
Available Now
To Kill A King: The Crumbling Kingdom:
A young, recent college grad enters a new world and is thrust into conspiracy and assassination surrounding the death of the King . Read to see the start of his adventure in this short story.
Available Now
Tracer's Lament:
Broan is the survivor of a great war. He has trekked the countryside alone for years as the remnants of the once two great armies fell apart to bands and then roaming individuals. Follow Broan through this short story adventure where he finds friendship in the most improbable companion.
Available Now
In this short story, Car'Al has to deal with the difference of ideals that has caused a rift with his rock troll tribe all his life. The conflict comes to head in this story of conflict, will, and determination.
Available Now
Journey with Car’Al out into a new world. Car'Al meets and befriends a human but is forced to venture out in the world as a path is forced onto him by unfortunate circumstances.
Available Now
The story of an Airship commander whose decision concerning the captain will change the lives everyone aboard the ship and hers forever.
Available Now
A Storm of Chaos: The Colliding Empires:
Aithne is a priestess in the cult of Kaalnor, the god of chaos. She will do anything to rise from the lowly third order to prestigious first order. This is one of her stories along that path in the land of Weirth amongst the colliding empires of Trimak and Grynith. A tale of The Colliding Empires Collection.
Available Now
A young, recent college grad enters a new world and is thrust into conspiracy and assassination surrounding the death of the King . Read to see the start of his adventure in this short story.
Available Now
Tracer's Lament:
Broan is the survivor of a great war. He has trekked the countryside alone for years as the remnants of the once two great armies fell apart to bands and then roaming individuals. Follow Broan through this short story adventure where he finds friendship in the most improbable companion.
Available Now
Marylou Depeiza
Marylou Depeiza is the author of the non-fiction memoir,Walking In Her Shoes. You can read her blurb below:
Walking In Her Shoes:
Leola Williams was a strong-willed, independent woman who only wanted to provide for her children. Growing up in Boston with her parents and eight siblings, she had a good life and never wanted for anything. At least that’s what she told her six children. But Leola kept a secret; and a code of silence that reigned supreme throughout the family held that secret close. Following Leola’s death, her youngest daughter embarks on a journey through her mother’s past—a journey that takes her back more than sixty years to the discovery that Leola’s life took a dramatic turn when she married handsome WWII solider, James Williams. Determined to break the code of silence, she uncovers the truth of her mother’s compelling and shocking past.
Available Now
She doesn't have her own blog, but she is being hosted on Andi's Realm--Andrea Buginsky's blog--during the BBF!
Leola Williams was a strong-willed, independent woman who only wanted to provide for her children. Growing up in Boston with her parents and eight siblings, she had a good life and never wanted for anything. At least that’s what she told her six children. But Leola kept a secret; and a code of silence that reigned supreme throughout the family held that secret close. Following Leola’s death, her youngest daughter embarks on a journey through her mother’s past—a journey that takes her back more than sixty years to the discovery that Leola’s life took a dramatic turn when she married handsome WWII solider, James Williams. Determined to break the code of silence, she uncovers the truth of her mother’s compelling and shocking past.
Available Now
She doesn't have her own blog, but she is being hosted on Andi's Realm--Andrea Buginsky's blog--during the BBF!
J. M. Cataffo
J. M. Cataffo is the author of Sally Singletary's Curiousity. The novel is a sci-fi/fantasy mystery. He will be hosting other books and authors on his blog during the Blogger Book Fair, but before we get to that, read about his book:
Sally Singletary's Curiousity:
In this modern day Nancy Drew meets Fringe, Sally Singletary is faced with the strange disappearance of three students and a teacher. As chief editor for the school’s high-tech online newsletter, she’s determined to get the scoop on what’s really happening and what it means for the students at Hidden Lake Preparatory School. With the help of a little magic and few new friends, she discovers a scheme that’s far bigger than she could’ve ever imagined. Can this teen sleuth find a way to stop a plot that may have far-reaching consequences for all of mankind, or will Sally Singletary’s Curiosity lead to the end of humanity?
Available Now
He will be hosting these authors on his blog during the BBF:
Jade Kerrion
Kristin Pullioff
Ansha Kotyk
Kayla Curry
He will also be running a FREE promo for Sally Singletary's Curiousity on February 7th and 8th! After that, it will go back to $2.99, so hurry!
In this modern day Nancy Drew meets Fringe, Sally Singletary is faced with the strange disappearance of three students and a teacher. As chief editor for the school’s high-tech online newsletter, she’s determined to get the scoop on what’s really happening and what it means for the students at Hidden Lake Preparatory School. With the help of a little magic and few new friends, she discovers a scheme that’s far bigger than she could’ve ever imagined. Can this teen sleuth find a way to stop a plot that may have far-reaching consequences for all of mankind, or will Sally Singletary’s Curiosity lead to the end of humanity?
Available Now
He will be hosting these authors on his blog during the BBF:
Jade Kerrion
Kristin Pullioff
Ansha Kotyk
Kayla Curry
He will also be running a FREE promo for Sally Singletary's Curiousity on February 7th and 8th! After that, it will go back to $2.99, so hurry!
Jennifer Carson
Jennifer Carson is the author of two middle grade fantasy works, Hapenny Magick and To Find A Wonder. She is also the author of the fantasy short story, The Knight and she has also contributed another short story to the Timeless Anthology titled A Light of Victory. Read about these below. She is also hosting the cover contest on her blog during the BBF.
Hapenny Magick:
As the littlest Hapenny, a race of little people, Maewyn Bridgepost spends her days from breakfast to midnight nibble scrubbing the hearth, slopping the pigs, and cooking for her guardian, Gelbane, who never spares a kind word. As if life as a servant wasn't bad enough, Mae learns that Gelbane is a troll; and Hapennies are a troll delicacy.Years ago, a spell on the bridge trapped Gelbane in Mae's village. Ever since, Gelbane has been chiseling away the magic protections and now Mae's home is destined to become a smorgasbord for half-starved trolls. It will take all of Mae's courage to protect her village. When pitchforks, sewing needles, pots, pans, brooms and a little magick are the only weapons at hand, Mae finds out that great victories can be accomplished no matter what size you are, but only if you stick together.
Available Now
To Find A Wonder:
Mortimer is the best squire in Sir Emberly’s troops, but his liege refuses to recommend him for promotion to knighthood. When Mortimer demands to prove his knight-worthiness, Sir Emberly charges him with an impossible task—finding a wonder in five days. With the help of his faithful mare, a scatterbrained wizard, a frog prince and a very special vegetable, Mortimer creates his own wonder—the first dragon to ever breathe fire! How much trouble could one fire-breathing creature cause anyway? Mortimer certainly discovers and learns along the way that being a knight is more than being talented with a sword.
Available Now
The Knight:
A young lady finds unexpected love while working as a tavern wench at a Renaissance Festival.
Available Now
Timeless Anthology:
Love stories that transcend time. From a thousand years ago to the unknown future, Timeless will show how love is timeless. This anthology of love stories contains "The Storyteller's Daughter" by Gayle C. Krause, "And The Nightingale Sang" by Kip Wilson, "A Light Of Victory" by Jennifer Carson, "The Angel Of The Bastille" by J.R. Sparlin, "Stella's Hero" by Kristine Carlson Asselin & Ansha Kotyk, "In This Moment" by D. E. Atwood, and "It Lies Beneath" by Magda Knight.
Available Now
Jennifer is hosting the cover contest for the books in the Blogger Book Fair so be sure to head to her blog and vote on your favorite covers.
As the littlest Hapenny, a race of little people, Maewyn Bridgepost spends her days from breakfast to midnight nibble scrubbing the hearth, slopping the pigs, and cooking for her guardian, Gelbane, who never spares a kind word. As if life as a servant wasn't bad enough, Mae learns that Gelbane is a troll; and Hapennies are a troll delicacy.Years ago, a spell on the bridge trapped Gelbane in Mae's village. Ever since, Gelbane has been chiseling away the magic protections and now Mae's home is destined to become a smorgasbord for half-starved trolls. It will take all of Mae's courage to protect her village. When pitchforks, sewing needles, pots, pans, brooms and a little magick are the only weapons at hand, Mae finds out that great victories can be accomplished no matter what size you are, but only if you stick together.
Available Now
Mortimer is the best squire in Sir Emberly’s troops, but his liege refuses to recommend him for promotion to knighthood. When Mortimer demands to prove his knight-worthiness, Sir Emberly charges him with an impossible task—finding a wonder in five days. With the help of his faithful mare, a scatterbrained wizard, a frog prince and a very special vegetable, Mortimer creates his own wonder—the first dragon to ever breathe fire! How much trouble could one fire-breathing creature cause anyway? Mortimer certainly discovers and learns along the way that being a knight is more than being talented with a sword.
Available Now
A young lady finds unexpected love while working as a tavern wench at a Renaissance Festival.
Available Now
Love stories that transcend time. From a thousand years ago to the unknown future, Timeless will show how love is timeless. This anthology of love stories contains "The Storyteller's Daughter" by Gayle C. Krause, "And The Nightingale Sang" by Kip Wilson, "A Light Of Victory" by Jennifer Carson, "The Angel Of The Bastille" by J.R. Sparlin, "Stella's Hero" by Kristine Carlson Asselin & Ansha Kotyk, "In This Moment" by D. E. Atwood, and "It Lies Beneath" by Magda Knight.
Available Now
Jennifer is hosting the cover contest for the books in the Blogger Book Fair so be sure to head to her blog and vote on your favorite covers.
Louann Carroll
Louann Carroll is the author of two paranormal books, A Shadow of Time and Gemini Rising. You can read the blurbs for them below. She will also host some of the BBF authors on her blog during the fair.
A Shadow of Time:
Kellyn O'Brien strives to create the perfect family. Then, disaster strikes. Her husband is dead. Three weeks later, she discovers her son is heir to Shadow Ley, a nineteenth century estate nestled in the Sierra Nevada foothills.
Reeling from Michael's death, Kellyn moves to Shadow Ley. Soon, the ordinary becomes the extraordinary: broken drinking glasses repair themselves, stair rails that were once old are now new, and suddenly the estate of Shadow Ley is not what it seems.
She turns to the local historian and learns of Sha' na ho bet, the angry fire god, bound forever to Earth. Native Americans tell her about Coyote, the Trickster who creates chaos out of order. Then the dreams begin with windows into past lives, hints of multidimensionality, and the promise of life beyond death.
Legends abound and so Shadow Ley, the home Kellyn had hoped would bring peace to herself and her children, becomes mired first in doubt, then in terror, and finally in love eternal.
Available Now
Gemini Rising:
Over 5,000 years ago, Sumerian cuneiform tablets warned future civilizations of the planet Nibiru. Every six thousand years the tenth planet crosses Earth's solar system spreading death and destruction. During its latest crossing Kate and Ryan Kelly learn to survive a post-apocalyptic Earth.
Sent to help sustain Earth, Noah, a member of the intergalactic counsel, joins with Kate, the chosen recorder of the end of days. One woman, and one offworlder collide with the ambiguous Light becoming humanities salvation. Out of tragedy is born a love that forever changes mankind.
Available Now
Kellyn O'Brien strives to create the perfect family. Then, disaster strikes. Her husband is dead. Three weeks later, she discovers her son is heir to Shadow Ley, a nineteenth century estate nestled in the Sierra Nevada foothills.
Reeling from Michael's death, Kellyn moves to Shadow Ley. Soon, the ordinary becomes the extraordinary: broken drinking glasses repair themselves, stair rails that were once old are now new, and suddenly the estate of Shadow Ley is not what it seems.
She turns to the local historian and learns of Sha' na ho bet, the angry fire god, bound forever to Earth. Native Americans tell her about Coyote, the Trickster who creates chaos out of order. Then the dreams begin with windows into past lives, hints of multidimensionality, and the promise of life beyond death.
Legends abound and so Shadow Ley, the home Kellyn had hoped would bring peace to herself and her children, becomes mired first in doubt, then in terror, and finally in love eternal.
Available Now
Over 5,000 years ago, Sumerian cuneiform tablets warned future civilizations of the planet Nibiru. Every six thousand years the tenth planet crosses Earth's solar system spreading death and destruction. During its latest crossing Kate and Ryan Kelly learn to survive a post-apocalyptic Earth.
Sent to help sustain Earth, Noah, a member of the intergalactic counsel, joins with Kate, the chosen recorder of the end of days. One woman, and one offworlder collide with the ambiguous Light becoming humanities salvation. Out of tragedy is born a love that forever changes mankind.
Available Now
Becca J. Campbell
Becca J. Campbell is the author of the sci-fi novel Foreign Identity and two sci-fi short stories. The two stories are part of the Sub-Normal series: Not The Norm and Unmasked Alloy. Read the blurbs for these below and visit her blog during the fair to see the other books and authors she is hosting.
Foreign Identity:
Cold. Confusion. Fear. This is how it all begins.
Waking up without your memory in a cell and bound by chains is terrifying.
Two nameless strangers, a man and a woman, find themselves imprisoned together. With no memories of their own identities, let alone their captor and tormentor, escape is the only option. The pair faces a bizarre labyrinth of rooms and clues that confuse more than they explain. Every discovery only brings more questions.
Who captured them? Why were they taken? What does their captor want from them? What can the riddles mean?
Who are they?
Lacking allies and options, the duo must learn to trust one another. Mazes, puzzles, and even strange, lurking creatures force them to rely on their wits--and each other--for survival. But survival isn't enough. They need answers.
Will the answers be enough? Will the truth bring them closer together, or drive them forever apart? Will discovering their identities finally bring them home?
Available Now
Sub-Normal #1: Not the Norm
Eden has a dangerous secret.
In a world where GenEns (enhanced humans) are the norm, her own ability is flawed. If anyone found out about the glitch in her genetic code, she'd be deemed a sub-norm, as one unfit to exist in the human race. Her certain fate would be extermination.
She always thought keeping her defect secret was her biggest struggle. That concern vanishes when her life is put in danger. Suddenly, fighting back is her only option, and she's completely unprepared.
Her only chance for survival is by wielding her damaged power. But fear and painful memories threaten to hold her back. What will happen to her if she unleashes the terror within?
A Sub-Normal short story. Approximately 6500 words.
Available Now
Sub-Normal #2: Unmasked Alloy
Genetically enhanced humans populate earth. Flaws are prohibited. Refusing to be altered means death—unless you can successfully evade capture.
Dake is one of these sub-norms on the run, and Eden’s status as a malfunctioning GenEn isn’t much better.
When Eden flees with Dake, their spree as fugitives is all too brief. Captured and thrown into a government holding facility where the only likely outcome is execution, the pair seeks help from an unlikely and untrustworthy ally.
In this second installment of the Sub-Normal series, trust and justice mix it up with the hyper-powered.
Approximately 7000 words.
Available Now
She will also be hosting these books and authors on her blog, Inspiration for Creation:
Forget Me Not by Allison Blanchard
Lichgates (Grimoire Trilogy #1) by S.M. Boyce
Treason (Grimoire Trilogy #2) by S.M. Boyce
Perfection Unleashed by Jade Kerrion
Perfect Betrayal by Jade Kerrion
Perfect Weapon by Jade Kerrion
Obsidian: Mystic Stones Series #1 by Kayla Curry
Ruby: A Mystic Stones Jewel by Kayla Curry
There will be giveaways on Inspiration for Creation, including one for Unmasked Alloy: (Sub-Normal #2) and Foreign Identity as well as one for Kayla Curry's books, Obsidian and the upcoming companion short story, Ruby. Becca will also be offering Not the Norm (Sub-Normal #1) for free on February 7th and 8th on Amazon.
Cold. Confusion. Fear. This is how it all begins.
Waking up without your memory in a cell and bound by chains is terrifying.
Two nameless strangers, a man and a woman, find themselves imprisoned together. With no memories of their own identities, let alone their captor and tormentor, escape is the only option. The pair faces a bizarre labyrinth of rooms and clues that confuse more than they explain. Every discovery only brings more questions.
Who captured them? Why were they taken? What does their captor want from them? What can the riddles mean?
Who are they?
Lacking allies and options, the duo must learn to trust one another. Mazes, puzzles, and even strange, lurking creatures force them to rely on their wits--and each other--for survival. But survival isn't enough. They need answers.
Will the answers be enough? Will the truth bring them closer together, or drive them forever apart? Will discovering their identities finally bring them home?
Available Now
Eden has a dangerous secret.
In a world where GenEns (enhanced humans) are the norm, her own ability is flawed. If anyone found out about the glitch in her genetic code, she'd be deemed a sub-norm, as one unfit to exist in the human race. Her certain fate would be extermination.
She always thought keeping her defect secret was her biggest struggle. That concern vanishes when her life is put in danger. Suddenly, fighting back is her only option, and she's completely unprepared.
Her only chance for survival is by wielding her damaged power. But fear and painful memories threaten to hold her back. What will happen to her if she unleashes the terror within?
A Sub-Normal short story. Approximately 6500 words.
Available Now
Genetically enhanced humans populate earth. Flaws are prohibited. Refusing to be altered means death—unless you can successfully evade capture.
Dake is one of these sub-norms on the run, and Eden’s status as a malfunctioning GenEn isn’t much better.
When Eden flees with Dake, their spree as fugitives is all too brief. Captured and thrown into a government holding facility where the only likely outcome is execution, the pair seeks help from an unlikely and untrustworthy ally.
In this second installment of the Sub-Normal series, trust and justice mix it up with the hyper-powered.
Approximately 7000 words.
Available Now
She will also be hosting these books and authors on her blog, Inspiration for Creation:
Forget Me Not by Allison Blanchard
Lichgates (Grimoire Trilogy #1) by S.M. Boyce
Treason (Grimoire Trilogy #2) by S.M. Boyce
Perfection Unleashed by Jade Kerrion
Perfect Betrayal by Jade Kerrion
Perfect Weapon by Jade Kerrion
Obsidian: Mystic Stones Series #1 by Kayla Curry
Ruby: A Mystic Stones Jewel by Kayla Curry
There will be giveaways on Inspiration for Creation, including one for Unmasked Alloy: (Sub-Normal #2) and Foreign Identity as well as one for Kayla Curry's books, Obsidian and the upcoming companion short story, Ruby. Becca will also be offering Not the Norm (Sub-Normal #1) for free on February 7th and 8th on Amazon.
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