Sunday, February 10, 2013

Blogger Book Fair Closing Post

Blogger Book Fair is coming to a close, but don't worry! BBF will be back and better than ever in July!

This awesome event has had over 4,000 page views in the last four days, and that is just on this blog. On my blog I had over 800 views on my own blog which is about double what I normally get. I've also gained new followers and new friends-authors and readers alike. I'm very happy with this event and I want to thank everyone who participated either as an author, blogger, or reader. I hope to see you all at the next fair and I hope you bring your friends!

Before you go, make sure that you didn't miss anything. I'll be leaving the directory up for a while so you can easily find the blogs and authors that participated.

I'll also be updating the BBF Reader's Choice Awards page very soon. Until then, you can see who won HERE.

Don't forget to follow the BBF blog to stay up to date on news like date announcements, sign up opening, and theme announcements. July is only six months away, so don't miss us too much! Lots of authors and bloggers have requested to receive an email notification when sign ups open again. If you would like a notification as well, please send an email to and I'll add you to the list!

You can also follow the BBF Facebook Page to keep updated! Thanks again for attending the Second Biannual Blogger Book Fair! See you in July!!


  1. how was the book fair is it really good event thanks for posting

  2. I hope to catch it next year I love this idea for a book fair!

    1. There will be another one in July! hope to see you there!
