Professor George Bradley, computer staff in hand, “envisions” an archaeological site, which could turn history on its head. Then he falls through a ripple in reality.
He enters a world where: trolls think they are human; elves believe humans can’t do magic since they don’t have souls; a child of prophecy is dying of a curse; a shape-changer is bent on killing him; a seeress keeps too many secrets; and an ogre and a boy struggle to defend a keep against the evil ruling it.
This is a world where a starship crash landed, bringing about a war, which led to the laws of magic defeating those of science.
Here a demon rages, intent on destroying all life, its minions intent on killing the human mage from another world.
If that wasn’t bad enough, George’s computer is now rather sarcastic.
Available Now

Anthology of new stories by authors Barry Nove and D.H. Aire. Stories of Good Breeding feature an underground clan of psychics and mystics fighting back against the organization that abused them in the past. The Highmage's Plight takes you to a magical world linked to our own, that is in deadly crisis. Dare 2 Believe stories feature a man with a destiny, and a lady who may save or ruin history.
Available Now
Lulu (Print version)
D. H. Aire will be feautring other fantasy and science fiction authors on HIS BLOG during the Blogger Book Fair:
Reach For The Moon by Tuan Ho
The Fastest Ship In The Universe by Tuan Ho
The First and Last by Tuan Ho
The Tallest Man In The World by Tuan Ho
Give Me My Refund, Dickhead by Tuan Ho
NOIF: A Mind Blowing Short Story Collection by Tuan Ho
Flight Of Dragons by Krya Dune
Time Of Shadows Series #1: Shadow Born by Krya Dune
Elfblood Trilogy #1: Elfblood by Krya Dune
Elfblood Trilogy #2: The Silver Catacombs by Krya Dune
Lichgates (Grimoire Trilogy #1) by S.M. Boyce
Treason (Grimoire Trilogy #2) by S.M. Boyce
MORE by T. M. Franklin
He will also be running a special promotion and giveaway on his blog. Here's a message from him on how you can take advantage of his offer:
As a book promotion, I’m giving away two books and an unusual side prize: an autographed copy of my debut novel Highmage’s Plight($7.99/paperback) or my anthology Flights of Fantasy, Volume 1 ($10.00/paperback) to two visitors from the Blogger’s Book Fair who sends me an email at dhr2believe at gmail dot com from February 7 through February 10. I’m literally going to put names in a hat and draw two winners. My only caveat is that to enter you must be a resident of the United States.
Now about the unusual accompanying prize: I’m currently offering the first 100 interested buyers of Highmage’s Plight a free membership to the Highmage’s Plight/Dhr2believe.net Group, who have online access to my online experiment to make a Highmage’s Plight and novel’s sequels an evolving series in the digital age. I began serializing the series online 2010, which led to the Plight’s publication. A forthcoming book in the series, Human Mage, is available in its entirety to the group. It was serialized in the Separate Worlds in 2012. I’m currently serializing Merchants and Mages and have posted a prequel short story to the series, which are only available to members of the group. So I’m giving the two winners of this give-away a compliment free one-year membership to the Highmage’s Plight/Dhr2believe.net Group. The only caveat here is that members must be 13 years old or older to participate.
Winners will receive all the details. You can learn more about my experiment and books at www.dhr2believe.net.
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